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Courage and Fear

Season #4

Welcome to the third episode of our emotional liberation series. In this episode, I discuss the relationship between courage and fear, exploring how these two emotions are intertwined and essential for personal growth. You can’t have one without the other; both are crucial for development.

Nature of Fear:

  • Fear is a natural emotional response to a perceived threat or danger.
  • It aims to protect us from harm by triggering the fight or flight response.
  • Evolutionarily, fear has been vital for our survival.
  • In modern life, fear often manifests as procrastination, indecision, and perfectionism.

How to Manage and Reframe Fear:

  • Acknowledge fear without judgment.
  • Recognize that fear is often linked to vulnerability, the unknown, and uncertainty.
  • Understand that fear can be very loud and overwhelming.
  • Use fear as a tool for personal evolution, leading to courage and growth.
  • View fear as an opportunity to be courageous.


  • Courage involves feeling the fear and acting anyway.
  • While fear is debilitating, courage propels us into action.
  • Courage is the ability to face fear, pain, or adversity with bravery.
  • It enables action despite feelings of vulnerability, exposure, or uncertainty.
  • Courage is not an innate trait but a skill developed through practice.
  • Demonstrating courage is inspirational.

Practical Strategies for Building Courage:

  • Take risks: Be open and embrace failure.
  • Set goals: Start with small, courageous goals and celebrate your progress.
  • Reflect on past experiences: Consider times when you've shown courage despite fear.

Cognitive Behavioral Techniques for Embracing and Managing Fear:

Strategy #1: The Fear Ladder

  1. Choose a specific fear.
  2. Clearly define it.
  3. List all related situations.
  4. Rank these situations from least to most scary.
  5. Start small and gradually progress, sharing your progress.
  6. Remember, it's not a linear process; you can move back down if needed.

Strategy #2: Detailed Fear Analysis

  1. Write down what you fear and why.
  2. Assess if the fear is based on real danger or a perceived threat.
  3. Rate the likelihood of the fear materializing on a scale of 1-10.
  4. Identify the underlying emotions.
  5. Challenge the fear by examining evidence for and against it.
  6. Recall past experiences where you've overcome similar fears.
  7. Take action to face the fear, possibly using the fear ladder.

Resources mentioned in this episode:
Previous podcast episode on fear
Ted Talk - What I learned from 100 days of rejection

Connect with Brittny:
Instagram: @brittnyking_
Email: [email protected]