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Get Lost with Erin Leider-Pariser

Season #4

We’re taking a short break from the Stress Less series to share my second book review. This time I’m lucky enough to have author, Erin Leider-Pariser, join me to discuss her life, adventures, and new book.

For nearly thirty years, Erin Leider-Pariser, wellness expert and founder of Sports Travel Adventure Therapy (STAT), has designed women's adventure journeys that empower them to push their physical boundaries, bond through ancient rituals, give back to the corners of the world they visit, and learn more about themselves than they ever imagined. Her new book, Get Lost, blends the wisdom and personal insights gleaned from these hiking, biking, and climbing trips through some of the world's most breathtaking landscapes with once-in-a-lifetime tales of dramas in the wild.

This inspiring book includes her seven principles for Trekking Life with Grace, a set of golden rules for navigating towards your best self.

I invite you to hear Erin’s story, learn of her seven principles, and appreciate the importance of getting lost and out of your comfort zone in order to be found moving forward in a new direction. 

Connect with Brittny:
Instagram: @brittnyking_
Email: [email protected]

Connect with Erin:
Instagram: @stattrip
Email: [email protected] 
Erin’s book:
Get Lost: Lose Yourself to Find Yourself

Other Resources:
Tara Brach’s website
Sam Harris’s website