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Birthday Reflection

Season #2

Today we have the youngest guest I have ever had on the show, my sweet baby girl ❤️ and she made sure to give you a warm welcome!

Today is my birthday!

That makes me reflect on another fantastic year, and this year was even more special because of the birth of my baby girl, who is 6 months now.

In this episode, I discuss what is happening right now and what I experience being a new mom. I talk about the mom's guilt and how we learn from our baby and should reflect on what we feel and experience as a mom. It has taught me that I can only show up for my baby girl if I show up for myself. We cannot show up for anyone else if you don´t show up yourself.

Make yourself a priority even when you have a business, baby, or husband. Find harmony with everyone and make yourself a priority because if you don´t, the things around you will notice that ¨wrong¨ energy.

Make sure to connect with me: