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how to get results this year

belief Jan 15, 2023

So often, when I start working with a new client, I sell them on the idea that they can change their thoughts or get results in their life. They get so excited about it, but their brain instantly goes to the HOW.

They want to know the HOW before taking steps to get there. This is common - of course, we want to know HOW to get there. We want to ensure we don't mess up because we're terrified of failure.

Traditional schooling does not set us up for success in our adult life. Our culture tells us how to do things. We follow what everyone has told us to do, which does us a huge disservice when we are meant to create big things for our life.

When people ask HOW they will get from point A to point B - I tell them they are asking the wrong question. Instead of asking HOW am I going to do this? You need to start asking WHO I need to be.

They are the same letters, just in a different order. When we focus on the WHO before the HOW - magic happens.

How is it understood by doing. That's it. As simple as that!

You can never understand how if your thoughts don't align with them. Someone can tell you exactly how they did something, but if your thoughts don't think the answer is good enough, your brain will keep searching for the how.

You only know how once you get to the desired result. Then, you can look back at all the steps you took to get there and realize - oh, that's how I did it!

So next time you set out to achieve amazing things - instead of asking how I do this? Reframe your question, who do I need to be to create this result in my life?

When you are busy focusing on who you're being, you won't have time to think about how. It will all make sense when you reach your desired destination.

Use your energy embodying and becoming the person you want to be because if you want to find the HOW you'll need to be the WHO first.

How to Be the Who

Ask yourself: What's the next best step?
Believe your answer is good enough
Take action
Brainstorm all the possible answers (take action)
Learning from taking action
REPEAT until you get the result you want

Who knew rearranging three simple letters could have the biggest impact?!


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